Our Philosophy

Don't Insure What You Can Pay For

Don't insure routine bills. At Pedersen Associates, we think that's a waste. We'll show you how you can save real money by not insuring things you can anticipate, and pay for.

Picture this: your monthly telephone bill arrives, with a listing of services and toll calls totaling $100. At the bottom of the bill is a message: "Do not pay.  Submitted for payment to your insurance carrier." Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? Nobody insures routine utility bills. But thousands of underwriters collect premiums every day to pay routine medical bills. 

If your house burns down, that's a catastrophe. You want to insure that.  In much the same way, you want to be covered if you suffer a serious illness or injury. Hospitals are expensive; that's why modern health insurance is here.

But using medical insurance to pay for your routine six-month check up costs you more than paying for it yourself.

Back to the phone insurance. Let's say you purchased a simple "group telephone plan" through your employer.  If there were 10 people in the group, and you all used the phone to the tune of an average of $100 per month, then the insurance company would have to charge a $1,000 monthly premium just to meet the bills. But, don't forget, insurance companies are in business to make money. They have to add the cost of their office getting your telephone bills and paying them for you. And, they have to turn a profit. When it's all added up, the premium would probably be more like $1,400 per month, if not more. Now, what happens if you spend more than $100 per month? Or, if you spend less? The end result: you just paid $140 up front to get $100 worth of service.

 If you're ready for change, call one of our experts at 414.847.2040. Or just send us an email ... and we'll do the rest

Making Sense of it All

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