Our Process Finds the Right Health Plan

How We Do It

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), Managed Care Options (MCOs), and more.

We look at ourselves as an extension of your benefits, human resource and financial departments; we’re as available as you would like us to be. At Pedersen Associates, we take the data you already have –- the statistics and usage patterns you’ve already paid your current carrier to provide –- and make their report of what has happened into our projection of what will happen. We apply the kind of insider analysis to your case that only professionals with 30 years of experience can offer, and the results are amazing.

Analysis of demographicsAnalysis of demographics

We analyze demographic information and identifiers specific to your firm's population.  We also analyze current cost factors. We review your current benefits and plan documents, then correlate those  benefits with population risk factors. Then, we present our findings to you.

Analysis of dataAnalysis of data

We identify developing group specific trends and patterns. We develop benefit models specific to your company’s population at risk, and write an Request for Proposal (RFP) that reflects those recommendations and suggested plan models.


At your request, we'll present the RFP to vendors. We'll review their responses.

We'll present and discussion those responses with you and interview the finalists you select.


Once you've made our decision, we'll handle the process of implementing the plan in your business. We'll review their contracts, benefit handouts, and supporting materials before your sign on the dotted line.

Ongoing additional services such as

  • Employee assistance (ie, employee meetings, claims issues, questions regarding benefits, and legislative concerns)
  • Claims assistance
  • Ongoing plan analysis
  • Budget projection and development
  • Quarterly review
  • Legal compliance; and
  • Benefit compliance and issue resolution.

If you're ready for change, call one of our experts at 414.847.2040. Or just send us an email ... and we'll do the rest.


Making Sense of it All

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